Integrated Fire, Security and Building Management Solution
Security, Fire and Surveillance Systems are what we do. EZBYTE SYSTEM INC. is a turnkey low-voltage systems integrator. We provide everything from design and planning to the completion of a project. No security job is too small or too big for us. We do it all, from providing security counseling to installing individual systems such as CCTV, nurse calling, engineering and installation, permitting, RFP (request for proposal), we are a one-stop shop for your security needs. Our combined experience adds up to over 15 years and our team has been successfully operating as such for the past 2 years. As a best practices company, we are not always the least expensive, but we are the most comprehensive and we do things right. EZBYTE SYSTEM INC. invests time and money in the training of our personnel, who is always dressed according to our company code and conducting themselves appropriately at all times. In this economy it is important to do business with a financially solvent company, and that would be us. Being locally owned and operated, no project is ever delayed because you can´t get to the decision making management person soon enough. We are hands-on managers and we give our team decision-making responsibilities based on their extensive training and experience.